Tuesday, October 09, 2007

thanks and giving

the time of year came and went again: thanksgiving. it was good. I ate too much, did too much laying around, and sleeping, but it was all very restfull. my family and I were at the cabin and it was probably the worst weather I can remember for Thanksgiving weekend, but it did force me to be unactive which was good for my back. But then I got a bit sick, so I had to be unactive the rest of the weekend...
anyway, I had two dinners to go to, which were both delicious and pleasing. I love food, and I love family. Thanksgiving is just like Christmas, but without presents (which I kind of like for a change) and it was especially like Christmas last night when on the way home from the Oost's it starting snowing! you should have seen the faces on Nick and his dear brother. I thought they might cry they were so excited....

so, that was my thanksgiving; I didn't do a lot of giving this year, but I sure did a lot of thanking!

I wish I had some pictures to show of my relaxing weekend, but I'm afraid I didn't take any pictures. however, one of my sisters did and hopefully she can post an AWESOME blogy blog about what we did on our "Thanksgiving weekend Inside" (hint hint pam...)


Calgary Lawn Solutions said...

Haha, about the Monday night snowing...Tom ran back into the house and he practically yelled and was like, "I THINK ITS SNOWING OUTSIDE!!!" he was soo excited. It made me laugh.

pamero said...

Oh, just you wait.

Anonymous said...

We had a good Thanksgiving too. We ate our meal outside but it was actually too hot. We were debating going inside and putting the air on but we toughed it out.

Linda said...

Well, *I* for one was NOT excited about the snow.