Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tired? At Christmas time??

What? Am I 70?

Usually at this time of year I am relaxed and caught up on my sleep, and anticpating Christmas Eve and Day. But today I am tired and not really relaxed and trying to figure out who's house I'm going to and when, and "helping" (quotation marks for my sisters) to plan a service while practicing for and playing with Don and my Dad every day this week! AND I'm still not done my shopping!

The gigs that Don fixed us up at were actaully really fun, but they take most of my energy, and three nights in a row is sure to waste anyone.

Anyway, I'm not going to actually relax until Christmas day, which is fine, but that's a little less then a week away... So, I'll take a short break in blogging, about a week, then I'll have great stories to share!


1 comment:

Linda said...

Merry Christmas to you too!